Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2 Weeks on the Nutrition Plan

When I started Cameron (My nutritionist) told me that before we can even deal with the weight, we have to increase my energy. Currently I am suffering from severe arthritis pain in my knees and my back. I can't walk very much which limits my exercise, and I am so tired all the time. So this made sense to me. What was very educational was learning the effect that carbs, sugar and preservatives can have on a woman's body hormonally and with regard to energy levels. So my first challenge was to cut out the sugar, eliminate the starches..bread, rice, potatoes etc. I will post more factual information on this later, but what I am beginning to understand its affect on my blood sugar levels. Two weeks now, and I don't feel so uncomfortable after I eat. I don't have the racing palpitations after eating pizza or bread. I can't say that my energy levels have improved yet, but I can see the importance of having a schedule and slowly incorporating new habits. My last post told of my first three challenges. This week I am to:

1) Add 4 cups of greens into my diet. The vegetables are to be greens from the top 10 greens for women. Kale, Artichoke, Dandelion Greens, Asparagus, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Cabbage, Arugula, Broccoli and celery. Its amazing how many nutrients are in these top 10 vegetables.

I get two cups of greens out of the way really quick by adding them to my protein drink in the morning. It turns the shake green but there isn't any taste to it, and then I know I have gotten in at least 2 cups. I love vegetables so its easy to incorporate. Another option is Barlean's Greens, a powder that you can add to a shake, but for me the Kale works great, and adds more fiber.

In my meeting with Cameron we evaluated my progress. Looking at it now, I didn't do too bad. I think getting my schedule down to eating every four hours and not eating anything after 7:30 was probably the most challenging. I don't have children, my husband and I get home very late, and we eat big dinners.

But, I have adjusted to it as I am learning that if its too work, I have to believe in it. The meetings every two weeks are good for me. It makes my want to fill out the food journals so that we have something to review in order to see areas I need to improve.

Some tips:

1) Yogurt has too much sugar. If you eat yogurt, eat Greek unflavored yogurt and add fresh fruit.
2) If you have difficulty thinking up something to eat, think protein and vegetables first.
3) Your body metabolism is highest in daylight. This is when you should be eating.

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