Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hurdle Jumping or Puddle Jumping, its all the same.

Last week my Mom was home with an injured shoulder and my Dad was out of town. I worry and know how difficult it is to get around and get things done. No car, no one to talk to, so three days last week I took off work early and headed home to visit, get Mom out of the house and just provide some company. It appears it was a great thing not just for Mom but for me as well. Because as I get older, I appreciate my parents so much more. I don't mind listening to what they have to say, and I actually enjoy laughing, talking and coming up with plans and ideas. I also like looking back at the past.

On one particular day my Mom and I were talking about what we enjoyed as kids. I was having a difficult time with that. I couldn't think of any one thing that I truly was passionate about, that I kept as a hobby, continued through my life. I wasn't a collector, I wasn't a real sports enthusiast, although I swam, played tennis, softball, basketball, etc. But I didn't really excel at any of it.

And then I blurted it out: "Food". I don't know why I said it, but I think there was a lot of truth in that comment. Not to mention that it was the third visit of the week and already my Mom and I had been to Wegman's three times as if that was all we had to do: Shop for food.

My Mom looked at me in bewilderment and said, I am surprised you said that. I was too, but then she told me that when I was in modelling school in high school one of the instructors had told me that all I ever think about is food. And I came home that day upset and shared that with my Mom. I don't recall it but it must have had an impact.

But now over the past few weeks even before this I have felt that there might be some truth to that comment. Its been lingering in the back of my head for months now. That I eat food as though its filling some void, some hole in my life. I can't seem to get enough of it, can't say no to things I don't need.

As I began to analyze this thought I realized that its true in quite a few areas. But food seems to be doing the most damage as I am struggling with a huge weight issue. So where do I go from here? Its definitely something I am much more aware of. I know I can change, I just have to find the passion and desire to do so.

Day One. Again. Its hard to break old habits.

I said I was going to record my three things for the next 30 days so missing a day means "I have to start over". Ugh. This is harder than I thought it would be but also for me so important. I have to accomplish more in my personal life. I am important. I am of value. I can't let other things get in the way.

Here goes. Again.
1) Download and work on photos for ETSY Site
2) Set up DVD play to being yoga workout
3) Design Holday card for Paper Source Contest