Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Three Things Today

As promised, each day will begin with my three things:
1) Go out for a walk at lunch time.
2) Make three past due phone calls: Carmax, the Dermatologist, Dr.Office (bill)
3) Cancel Moisturizer order at $87 a pop! Who needs a month of moisturizers for $87 a month, okay, this was a week moment kind of thing. I was feeling old, my face was feeling old. I was in a "depressed" watch television kind of spirit. So they got me for one month. Let's not make it a year!

Well, today has started out like any other day. I woke up feeling achy, sore, tired and I have to go to work. I work for a living. It pays the bills, it provides me with the oppportunity to make foolish purchases like the moisturizer up there at the top of my Three Things list. Lately, I have been looking at the money I make and realizing that I want it to go to better things. I want it to be able to provide for me long after I stop working. Early retirement would be nice thing. Can it be done? I think there is a way but first I have to get a handle on the spending. I have to quit spending. How can I do that? I love to spend as much as I love to eat, and its not often on myself, its for others.

Yesterday I was craving donuts (bad on two counts). First I wanted Krispy Creme donut (if that isn't two fat hips waiting to expand) and Second, I wanted to buy them for the company. Bring in a dozen for everyone. Now that may noat seem like a large expense, but I am always thinking of ways to spend money unnecessarily. Would you believe that yesterday, one of the girls came in with donuts. FOR HERSELF. Not to share, just to eat. Two of them FOR HERSELF. Now I can't comment on why she needed two, but I started thinking about what constitutes healthy behavior? Was she wrong for not thinking about everyone else in the company? Not at all.

So here is the lesson. I don't have to be all things to all people. It doesn't matter if everyone loves me, likes me or wants to be my friend. I need to focus on three things that will define who I am: God, My Husband, My family. It may not be the same three priorities for you. It doesn't matter, just put yourself first. The rest will come. I believe it will.

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